department of population ecology   :::   institute   :::   university   :::  polski
dr hab. Mariusz Cichoń
  Dep. of Population Ecology
Inst. of Environmental Sciences
Jagiellonian University

Gronostajowa 7, 30-387 Kraków
tel. + 48 12 664 52 01
fax + 48 12 664 69 12
+ publications  
  Mass dependent mass loss in breeding birds - getting the null-hypothesis right

Cichoń M., Merilä J., Hillström L., Wiggins D.

1999; 87 (1): 191-194

An assumption central to many tests of statistical association between two variables is the null-expectation of zero association. Here, we draw attention to the fact that in many published tests of mass-dependent mass loss in breeding birds, this assumption has been violated. We show that a correct null-hypothesis can be derived by using resampling methods, and analyse three data sets (two previously published) from passerine birds to illustrate the approach. Our results show, that under a correct null-hypothesis, the biological interpretation of the previously published results is reversed - initially heavy birds do actually loose less mass (relative to their weight) than the initially light birds.

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